Tuber Sale Cards Template
You are welcome to use this template
to create your Tuber Sale cards
- PowerPoint or LibreOffice Impress, (others may work but have not been tested).
- We are not able to provide support for using this template, it is being provided for your convenience.
To Use This Template:
- Download the template from the link below to a known location on your computer
- Navigate to the download location and open/click on the file. As the file has been downloaded from the internet you may receive a warning message. You will have to choose whether or not to trust the file. If you choose to trust the file then you can use the template. You will be adding your own pictures, descriptions, bar codes for your tubers.
- Consider changing the colour of the top header bar so that you have a colour of your choice, it will make yours easier to find during cleanup. To do this right click on the header and choose ‘Fill’ or ‘Fill Colour’.
- To update your bloom picture or bar-code right click on the card you are updating and choose ‘Change Picture’ or ‘Replace’ depending on which program you use. Navigate to where your picture is located and choose it. The image may be too large so you will have to use the sizing handles to make the picture fit in the space.
- To update the text regions (Name, Size, etc.) double click on the text and make your updates.
- Once you have updated all the cards you need then you can print or export it to take it to a store that can print it for you.
Recommended export options: single page use JPG, multiple pages use PDF. - If you need more pages then right click on the pages list (left hand side) and choose ‘Duplicate Slide’.
- Save your revisions for reuse if you choose.